Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fun Fall Activities

Fishing on a nice fall afternoon at Nick's family's farm!

The annual pumpkin carving for Halloween!

Nick's is the scary witch and mine is the raccoon in the pumpkin! I love carving pumpkins!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Labor Day Bike Ride

Every year on Labor Day, our family rides bicycles on the Wabash Nature Trail. We have been doing this every Labor Day for the last 10 years. We get on the trail head at Shenendoah, IA and ride to Council Bluffs, IA through many small little towns on the way. The trail used to be the old Wabash Rail Line so at least the inclines are gradual. It's still pretty grueling but we always have a blast! The total trip is 45 miles. From left to right: Nick, Danelle, Deanna Biermann & Michael Mandrick (Deanna's boyfriend).

Here is Nick and Danelle with her dad Dean. We are acting silly because we haven't even started riding yet.

Being older than the rest of us, Dad took a quick snooze along the way. Deanna and I decided to pose for a picture next to him while he was sleeping.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Our Puppy

My parents got us a cockapoo puppy after we got married. Her name is "Squattles".

My parents kept her when we were on our honeymoon and we were trying to think of a cute name but my sister called her "Squattles" (we had been joking around about that name) and she got used to it. So the name just stuck.

The sad news is our new landlord would not let us keep her so my parents are taking care of her until we can get a house. We get to see her on the weekends. She is cute and a lot of fun!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Honeymoon in Hawaii

This is Nick sitting at one of the lookout spots for the Waimea Canyon of Mt. Waialeialei on the island of Kauii.

Our writing in the sand in Kauii.

This is a beautiful beach on the island of Oahu where some movies have been filmed.

Nick and I at a beach on our tour of Oahu.

Nick and I at a place overlooking a lighthouse on the island of Kauii.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Welcome to our Blog! We were married May 31, 2008 (165 days ago) and we are enjoying our new life together. We had a beautiful spring wedding and an amazing honeymoon in Hawaii. Stay tuned for more pictures and updates!